Joydens Wood Junior School

Class Dojo at Joydens Wood Junior School

Class Dojo is a popular tool which we use at Joydens Wood Junior School to promote positive behaviour and encourage important skills. It is used throughout the school by all staff. Class Dojo is also a useful tool for parents to keep in contact with the school. If you have not connected to the Class Dojo yet, which you can access via a computer or download the free mobile app, please speak to your child’s class teacher who can provide you with a code so you can see how your child is getting on in school.

Class Dojo can be accessed here


JWJS guidance for parents & carers on usage of Class Dojo


We would like to clarify for all parents the expectations in the use of Class Dojo. Please remember that teachers will respond within 48 hours between the hours of 8:00am to 5:30pm on a working school day and not at the weekend. Those classes that have two teachers job sharing, staff will only respond on the days they work and if you send a message beyond the hours that teachers will reply you may not get a response. Please call the school office if this is the case. Finally, can we remind parents the use of the private messaging service is to replace our contact books, this is not a social media platform between the school and home.


  • Do use the messaging facility in a respectful way so the professional partnership between home and school remains appropriate. We want this platform to be a good tool that strengthens communication between teachers and parents.
  • Do use Class Dojo to upload and share your child’s homework on the Portfolio option under their Student Account.
  • Do message your child’s teacher if you have a small query or would like to find out something simple, for example:
    • Harry has come home telling me it is PE tomorrow, please can you confirm this is right?
    • We've lost Louis' login details for TTRockstars. Can you send them to us again please?
  • You can message on Class Dojo to ask the teacher if you could arrange to speak to them over the phone.
  • Do message your child’s teacher on Class Dojo if your child has any minor worries, for example:
    • Liam didn’t quite understand fractions today; could you speak to him about it please?
    • Niall thinks he has lost his jumper in school, could you remind him to find it please?


  • Please do not message your child’s teacher to notify them of absences or illnesses – this should be done via the school office as normal. This includes if there is a medical reason why they cannot do PE.
  • Please do not use Class Dojo to message about any urgent or serious issues; please use the school office and normal school procedures for this. For example if there has been a bereavement in the family or a change in circumstances at the home situation or you feel you need to raise a safeguarding concern to the school. The latter should be raised to the Designated Safeguarding Leader (Mr Redford) or one of the Deputy Safeguarding Leaders (Mrs Hensher or Mrs Gilham). Please call us on that type of matter.
  • Please do not use Class Dojo to inform your class teacher if there has been a change on who is picking up your child; please use the school office and normal school procedures for this.
  • Do not share any materials, including pictures/screenshots, from Class Dojo online via websites and/or social media accounts.