Joydens Wood Junior School


At Joydens Wood Junior School, we follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning and strive for every child to be secure in fluency, reasoning and problem solving. 


Joydens Wood Junior School’s Mathematics curriculum has been designed with the intent that our children will become resilient, independent, confident and fluent mathematicians, who can problem-solve and use reasoning skills.

 Our school uses the White Rose Maths scheme of work, adopting a mastery approach to Mathematics which is designed to build on children’s prior learning and develop fundamental skills they can apply beyond the classroom.


At Joydens Wood Junior School, we are committed to providing a motivating, yet challenging, maths curriculum for all. Maths is taught following a curriculum based on White Rose Maths, but adapted to suit the needs of our pupils. All lessons include elements of fluency practice, reasoning and problem-solving. We develop children’s understanding using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach.

  • Concrete – children are introduced to a new mathematical concept through the use of concrete objects and manipulatives (e.g. Base-10, cubes, counters).
  • Pictorial - children build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations, which continue to provide a visual aid to support understanding, reasoning and problem-solving.
  • Abstract – once secure in these foundations, children move to abstract approaches, using numbers and symbols, with confidence.

Throughout lessons, all children are encouraged to use mathematical language to explain their answers and ideas to further develop their reasoning skills.


At Joydens Wood Junior School, we expect all of our pupils to be able to quickly recall number facts and procedures, using reasoning skills to explain and justify their understanding, in all areas of the maths curriculum.

We believe that a mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child is able to show it in a verity of ways, describe it in their own words and see connections, enabling them to use it in new situations and contexts. We intend for all our children to achieve this.

We aim for all children to leave us with the confidence, skills and understanding that they need in order to continue with success into secondary and beyond.

 Please view the attachments below for an overview of the learning for each year group and information about TTRockstars!

 POSK Maths.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Maths Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Maths Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Maths Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Maths Overview.pdfDownload
 TTRockstars Parent Guide.pdfDownload
 23-24 TTR Letter Sept.pdfDownload
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Coffee Morning 30th September 2022

Please see below the information share by Miss Peeling during our recent event.