Welcome to our website. We hope you find it both informative as well as an accurate reflection of the values and ethos of the school.
Joydens Wood Junior School is a successful, vibrant school, a school where children come first. We have a highly motivated, resourceful and committed team of staff and governors who care about and nurture the needs of every child.
We want our children to be happy at school and for learning to be fun and challenging. We set high expectations and want to give our children every opportunity to become confident and independent learners. We work closely with parents to ensure this happens and recognise the importance of good communication between home and school.
Within our school site we are fortunate to have our own playing field, two netball courts, an adventure play area, large playground and green areas around the school. Our links with our Infant School emphasise our belief in the importance of continuity of educational development. Staff from both schools, meet to discuss and plan carefully for the transitionary process. We also have very good links with several of our local secondary schools.
Our aim is to help the children to reach their full potential, to develop their social awareness and encourage each child to take part in our vast list of extra-curricular activities. The school provides an extensive range of extra-curricular activities and it is our intention to educate the children for life, not only for their school days.
We actively welcome parents, parent helpers and all visitors to the school. We have lots of plans for the year ahead and will keep you up to date with events and news as they happen.
We value our strong partnership with our parents.
Mr P Redford